Fotógrafo español formado en laboratorio fotoquímico y en Facultad de Artes Visuales y Creación Digital en TAI. En 2003 comienza trabajando como reportero gráfico para medios del grupo Promecal, Reuters o Getty Images de manera freelance. Después trabajaría como asistente con fotógrafos como Jesús Alonso, Ximena Garrigues y Sergio Moya entre otros. Desde 2010 trabaja con clientes como Repsol, Jazztel, Forbes, Universal, Adidas, RedBull, YoDona Magazine, Diamond Films, Unidad Editorial, Grupo Planeta, Spain Media o Publicis entre muchos otros. Ha sido reconocido por su trabajo en retrato y moda por certámenes como los International Photography Awards en Los Angeles o los Hasselblad Masters en Reino Unido. También ha exhibido su obra en 4 ediciones del festival internacional PhotoEspaña y el Instituto Cervantes.
Spanish photographer formed in photochemical laboratory and Faculty of Visual Arts and Digital Creation TAI. In 2003 he began working as a photojournalist for the Promecal group, Reuters or Getty Images as freelance. Later he worked as assistant with photographers like Jesus Alonso or Ximena Garrigues and Sergio Moya among others. Since 2010 he works with clients like Repsol, Jazztel, Forbes, Universal, Adidas, RedBull, YoDona Magazine, Diamond Films, Editorial Unit, Grupo Planeta, Spain Media or Publicis among many others. He has been recognized for his work in portraiture and fashion for contests such as the International Photography Awards in Los Angeles or the Hasselblad Masters in the United Kingdom. He has also exhibited his work in 4 editions of the international festival PhotoEspaña and the Cervantes Institute.