
Tenemos el honor y el lujo de presentar el proyecto #MakeHumanRightsGreatAgain, proyecto desarrollado por los creativos de Muak en el que actualmente estamos colaborando. El proyecto tiene como objetivo visibilizar y reivindicar los Derechos Humanos. Próximamente iremos informando sobre el proyecto que podreis seguir en makehumanrightsgreatagain.org. Os dejamos una muestra de las fotografías de retrato que hicimos para la campaña. Todo fue disparado en analógico con una Hasselblad H1 en película Ilford.

Bad news, Fuji says no to save the FP-100

These are the last & bad news from Francesco Gasperini from the Change.org page Save Fujifilm FP100 Instant Films:

Hi guys!
Today is a very sad day for the photography...
During the last days i was hoping for an happy ending of this analog story even though the situation was complicated since the begin. The first reply from Fuji was something strange but i've never thought that it could reveals what i'm writing now. Well, Fuji has replied to our second letter and they said this:"...we cannot now change our decision. Thus, we respectfully decline your proposals. "
These words are unbelievable!
They don't care to leave the world's FP100 users with nothing in their hands. They don't care to be reponsible for the death of an iconic photographic format of the 20th century. They don't care to betray their faithful users who have bought their products until yesterday. We cannot understand their decision to refuse all of our proposals. Why! We gave them proposals with a total costs coverage and they said: "No, we are sorry guys, we don't care about you and your passion" and they have showed us their middle finger.
I'm very frustrated in this moment.
My friend Florian Kaps are determined to keep on fighting against this decision and i really appreciate this but i think that we have done the maximum to save this films and speaking again with a deaf and indifferent management is completely useless.Thank you all for supporting me and Florian and all the others who have tried to do something beside this cause. So i'll keep on informing you about every future developments but i'm honest and i sadly say: "I'm sorry guys, we were not able to save our beloved Fp100 films. This is it."

So now call your best Fuji FP dealer and get your own film stock because the price are going to grow a lot as we saw years ago with the Polaroid Type 55. This is the last instant color film pack avaliable for old Polaroid Land Cameras and large format view cameras so now we can talk about the end of a era. It was nice while it lasted.



The Impossible Project will save the Fuji FP-100

Last week we heard the notice that Fujifilm will end the production of the Fuji FP-100, the last instant film for 3x4" cameras. This will be the end of instant film for tradicional analogic like 4x5" large format systems and old 4x5 Polaroid cameras. That´s not a surprising notice because there was many rumors time ago of that. Some photographers in Spain says that the film who actually Fuji sells is not totally fresh. It will be frozen stocks of film and Fuji will had deceased the production time ago, but there are only rumors.

In few hours the portal Save.org received a petition for Fujifilm asking the continued production of this film. The petition have right now more than 13.000 signatures and growing. You can see the petition and sign here.

Well, the last news says next. Florian Kaps, co-founder of "The Impossible Project" is trying to save this film and he will meet Fujifilm management next week in Tokyo. That will mean a new product of The Impossible Project relationated with the actual Fuji FP-100.

Hope to have more news soon, the sells of this film was raised with the announcement and we probably will keep this film, with one brand or another.

My pal Javi H. shooted with Fuji FP-100 and a 4x5 Graflex Speed Graphic camera.

My pal Javi H. shooted with Fuji FP-100 and a 4x5 Graflex Speed Graphic camera.

Ana Segurado, CEO at Telefónica Open Future

Portraits of the CEO at Telefónica Open Future, Ana Segurado. Telefonica Open Future supports entrepreneurial talents worldwide since many years ago. See more here.

Shots taken with the Hasselblad H3DII-39 and a HC 80mm, lighted with the Profoto Acute system with a octogonal softbox (150 cm) and a white reflector. 

Making of Pachamama Crew for PhotoEspaña 2015

We did some shots for "Latino", exhibition curated by TAI school of visual arts for PhotoEspaña 2015. Was a fun shooting with Pachamama Collective, a group of artists and musicians from more than 10 countries. Really nice people. This work was awarded with an Honorable Mention at the IPA Awards in Los Angeles.

Thanks to Jose María Díaz Maroto, Olga Lopez, Diego Rebollo and Beatriz Martin, curators, for trust in us every year. Is an honor !